
The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres (ISYVC) are a worldwide yoga organization founded in 1957 by Swami Vishnudevananda, a direct disciple of Swami Sivananda. They dedicate themselves for the last 60 years to teaching classical yoga as a life style, which includes the practice of asanas, pranayama, relaxation, vegetarian diet, positive thinking, meditation, mantra chanting and selfless service of humanity. Since the passing of its founder in 1993, ISYVC is directed by an international board of senior disciples of Swami Vishnudevananda. The Swamis and staff members of ISYVC dedicate their time to teaching, practicing, and taking care of the centres created by their founder as oasis of peace in the midst of the world’s busiest cities. Swami Vishnudevananda was the first to teach Yoga teachers training courses in the West and since 1969, ISYVC have trained over 37,000 teachers. ISYVC’s mission is to share the positive message of yoga that the goal of life is self-realization and that it can be reached by adopting a yogic life style and the vedantic understanding that all life is one. ISYVC have and continue to help hundreds of thousands of people worldwide to make positive changes in their lives.
Ananta is a long time disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda. He is an enthusiastic and joyful Yoga teacher with a great love for asanas and a rich experience in sharing his knowledge with precision, humour and dynamism. He has been teaching hatha yoga in the Sivananda Teachers’ Training courses for over 20 years.
Friday 7 July
2 – 4pm :Satsang “The art of contentment” with Swami Jyotirmayananda
Saturday 8 July
7 to 9am : Asana class “Finding physical and mental stability in the asanas” with Ananta
Sunday 9 July
5 to 7pm :Workshop “Pranayama: stimulating the solar plexus and calming the mind” with Ananta