Ghee - The Elixir Of Life!
Ghee is the elixir of life. It increases ojas in the body and makes the mind sattvic - tranquil and peaceful. But according to Ayurveda, ghee is a superfood.
Here is why:
It’s a digestive – kindles the Agni (digestive fire)
It nourishes ojas, tejas and prana
It nourishes the Dhatus, body tissues
Brings herbs/medicines to the dhatus
Tridoshic (in small doses for Kapha only)
Pacifies Vata and Pitta
It’s a Medhya, or supports the brain
You can use it internally and externally
Use it to help a cleanse/detox
Apply it on irritated (pitta) skin
Has an alkalizing effect on the entire body
Improves the complexion of the face and body
Increases longevity
Soothes the nerves
Lubricates the joints
What is ghee? Ghee is clarified butter, a lactose-free, high-heat cooking oil with origins in ancient India. What’s the difference between ghee and butter? Ghee is ideal oil for high-heat cooking and it can tolerate heat up to 250ºC, compared with butter and coconut oil which both burn at 175ºC. Since all of the milk solids have been removed, ghee is lactose free, making it a healthy option for those with dairy sensitivities. Finally, ghee does not have to be refrigerated. Its shelf life is for up to six months and can last up to a year if kept in the fridge. Ghee is the superfood of India. Since ancient times, this sacred cooking oil has been celebrated for its taste, nutritional benefits, and healing properties. According to Ayurveda, India’s 5,000-year-old medicinal science, ghee is the best oil for the human body. It is highly recommended in Ayurveda for its nourishing qualities and ability to bring the nutrients of food and herbs deeper into your tissues. Western medicine increasingly recognizes the many health benefits of ghee. Traditionally, ghee is made during a full or waxing moon. We recommend making ghee while the moon is waxing or full. The moon's soma, or healing energy, is highest during these times and will be present in your ghee. Enjoy!