From Limitation comes Infinity
Dr. Hansaji Yogendra
Director, The Yoga Institute
The Yoga Institute is the oldest organized yoga centre in the world

Growth, expansion, killer-instincts are the buzz-words of this day and age.
Everybody wants to grow and grow at lightning speed: the 3year old child wants to get rid
of his tricycle and ride a bicycle, a graduate wants to become the CEO, the start-up wants to
become a unicorn, a millionaire wants to be a multi-millionaire, a multi-millionaire wants
to be a billionaire. And so on. You get the gist. If there is one word that is anathema to
contemporary aspirations and ambitions it is: limits. Nobody likes being told that they have
limits. A mother telling her young child that a bicycle might be a little too much for them
right now would have many detractors. Some would outright say that she is ruining the
child’s future by imposing limits on them. Similarly, someone telling their boss that some
new plan for expansion or growth is impractical would be seen as an impediment to the
Company’s growth-plans, an unambitious deadweight in corporate India. Everyone wants
to be limitless; soaring and ever-expanding.
Many would argue that if the Universe is limitless and ever-expanding why should
we not be so? Why should humans not achieve everything there is to achieve? For one, yes,
the Universe is expanding but it is in that state simply a cluster of gases. It wouldn’t be
wrong to argue that living, breathing humans are a little more than gases zooming through
nothingness. Limits are an essential quality of our beingness. For instance, the human eye
can only see light wavelengths from 380 to 700 nm. Even here, our eyes have a structural
blind-spot where we can’t see anything. Similarly, we cannot hear what the bats can or the
whales can. Human are neither the fastest animals on earth nor the longest nor the
strongest. Yet we hate the idea that we have limits or that we are limited in any way. Why?
Because having limits has become something of a buzz-kill in the world. If we have
limits to the amount of money we have; we see as a limit to our relevance in the world. If
we have limits to the amount of power we have; we see ourselves a weak and open to
attack. If we see limits to the way our body looks; we read that as a sign of our worthiness.
But what if limits were meant not to bind you but actually help you thrive?
What if someone told you that limits on your pursuit of wealth were intended to
assure that wealth did not impede happiness? What if limits on power were designed to
stop you from autocracy and dictatorial tendencies. We push our bodies day in and day out
in gyms, with various protein-shakes and powders, growth hormones and steroids. We
push our bodies beyond its limits to get the perfect six-pack abs or the next fashion fad.
This disavowal of limits is the root-cause of the recent tragic deaths of young actors, who
were so as to say physically fit! But their hearts gave away under the constant strain of
having the body’s limits pushed. The Bhagwat Gita also reminds us that true poverty is not
having less but always wanting more. The idea is that wanting more implies a persistent
and pernicious state of scarcity in the mind. When our wants are without limits; our
capacities to fulfill them will never be enough however competent we may be. Remember it
is futile to think that you can drink the water of the entire oceans; as thirsty as you maybe
that will always be beyond you.
The sun is limitless but on earth it is limited by night. What if it tried to push the
limits of day and night? Or if the earth decided to break the limits of gravity and go closer to
the sun, would all be well? So, understand this, limits are the natural order of things. Limits
do not bind, they help us survive and thrive. When we live with our limits, it is then that life
enjoys a sense of balance and harmony and becomes truly beautiful. For Gen Z and the
woke, the idea is simply: chill and then be brilliant. It is an emphatic avowal that you were
put on this Earth to live. You were not put here to work, to stress, to worry, to prove or to
achieve more and more and more. The idea of limits suggests that we try to put down the
burden of all that we must do and become. Instead it calls for each of our hearts to
celebrate fully who we are, as we are.
For life, here’s something for you to think over:
“Atitrushna na kartavya,trushna naev parityajaeth
Shaneha shaneshchaha bhautakvyam svayam vittammupajritamaha”
“Avoid extreme yearning but do not avoid desire itself,
Learn to enjoy all that you have earned in moderation”